Teeth Whitening
It can be lighter or darker, grey or yellow depending on our physical properties and eating habits as well. Also our lifestyle and the aging process make differences in colour with time passing. Food nowadays is mostly coloured. We have food colour in a lot of products plus not only artificial colours get absorbed in the enamel but also the natural colours of food with time causing not wanted changes in the natural colour of our teeth.
Unfortunately neither perfect hygiene of the mouth nor regular and careful brushing of the teeth can help stop these processes in all cases. Not even home made teeth whitening techniques bring long lasting results not to mention the harm they can cause if they are not done in a proper way.
Today one can choose from several different safe teeth whitening processes.
One possibility is to do it at home under medical control. The dentist prepares an impression of the teeth of the patient based on which a thin pattern is produced in the dental technical laboratory. The patient needs to fill the pattern with special teeth whitening material at home to wear it for 5-8 nights depending on the state of his/her teeth and the result desired.
The advantage of this method is that it is more gentle for the enamel. Its disadvantage is that it is less effective, therefore it needs to be repeated sooner.
The treatment is painless though in certain cases one can be sensitive for a short period of time. After a treatment one must avoid any food or drink having strong colours. The treatment itself lasts for 45 minutes and the result can be seen right after it. During the week after the treatment the teeth become even whiter.
Usually the white colour of the teeth remains for 2-3 years after the treatment depending of course on eating habits and lifestyle.
Teeth-whitening does not alter already existing crowns, bridges, fillings, therefore they might need to be replaced after the treatment.
If one wishes to have a dental restoration as well, it is suggested to follow the following order: removal of tartar, polishing, teeth-whitening, dental restoration and at last a confident, shining smile.
- Tartar removal, where we provide painless treatment using an ultrasonic machine.
- Tooth polishing for the smooth as glass apperance
- And professional tooth whitening for a radiant smile.
As bonus if you bring your friend or acquaintance along we will provide an additional group discount. 🙂
If you hold over having a dental treatment because of fears for dentists – please be assured that we strive to release your fears and we put emphasis on having treatments with less pain possible as well.
Book an appointment today!